Stayton Area Rotary Weekly Meetings | Santiam Golf Club

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Name: Stayton Area Rotary Weekly Meetings | Santiam Golf Club
Date: February 25, 2026
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM PST
Event Description:
If you're interested in learning more about Stayton Area Rotary or would like to help us serve the community, please join us for lunch at Santiam Golf Club on Wednesdays.
Santiam Golf Club
The Hickory Spoon
8724 Golf Club Rd SE
Aumsville, OR
Date/Time Information:
Wednesdays at Noon
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Stayton Sublimity Chamber of Commerce for more information.
175 E. High St, Stayton, OR 97383 – 503 769 3464 –