Public may submit events for inclusion on our event calendar. Events must be held in the region served by the Stayton Sublimity Chamber OR events affliated with their local members. They must be open to the public. Only Chamber members may submit events related to their business. For questions call the Chamber office at 503-769-3464. To submit an event click Submit New Event below.
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Registration OPEN | 'National Night Out' Registration
Registration OPEN | 'National Night Out' Registration
June 20, 2024 - July 19, 2024

Event Description:
Neighborhoods throughout Marion County will be joining forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the Annual National Night Out. National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for and participation in local anti-crime efforts, strengthen neighborhood spirit and enhance police-community partnerships. It sends a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back! Sheriff Hunter encourages you to show your spirit by locking your doors, turning on the porch light, and spending an evening outside with your neighbors!