Community Calendar

Public may submit events for inclusion on our event calendar. Events must be held in the region served by the Stayton Sublimity Chamber OR events affliated with their local members. They must be open to the public. Only Chamber members may submit events related to their business. For questions call the Chamber office at 503-769-3464. To submit an event click Submit New Event below.

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Moms in Prayer

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Name: Moms in Prayer
Date: October 11, 2024
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
Event Description:
We will be starting a study:


Do you feel shaken by the news in our world, or shaken by the circumstances of your life? Join us to learn to stand unshaken by experiencing the power and peace of a praying life in four easy steps. See what happens when you focus on the greatness of God instead of your circumstances. Discover the power of praying God’s Word and how you can invite God to intervene in the life of your loved ones through prayer.
As well as spending time in Prayer for our Children their school's and Teachers!
Turner Christian Church
Date/Time Information:
Friday, February 14
8:30 - 9:30 am
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
