Community Calendar

Public may submit events for inclusion on our event calendar. Events must be held in the region served by the Stayton Sublimity Chamber OR events affliated with their local members. They must be open to the public. Only Chamber members may submit events related to their business. For questions call the Chamber office at 503-769-3464. To submit an event click Submit New Event below.

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Einstein STEM Camp | St. Mary's

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Camp Description

This summer Einstein STEM camp is excited to continue the fun of past summers with new activities, experiments, and learning, campers will explore the concepts of force and motion with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).  Led by a regionally recognized science teacher from Tualatin High School, Einstein STEM Camp will feature the expertise of Mr. Dan Rott. He currently serves as an International Baccalaureate instructor in the Tualatin School District. Once again, he will share his experience and passion for science with campers in the Stayton area. This camp will entail his leadership as well as the support from Mr. John King, an elementary school teacher from Sublimity Elementary School.  

Camp is at St. Mary’s this year. See you soon!
Space is limited to ensure a safe and appropriate student-instructor ratio. First come, first serve!
St. Mary's
Date/Time Information:
July 17th - 21st
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